Facts about Freetown
Freetown, Sierra Leone is located in Sierra Leone
Freetown, Sierra Leone Map of Sierra Leone showing the capital
Coordinates: 8°29′4″N 13°14′4″W / 8.48444°N 13.23444°W / 8.48444;
-13.23444Coordinates: 8°29′4″N 13°14′4″W / 8.48444°N 13.23444°W /
8.48444; -13.
In 1821 Freetown became the seat of government for Britain's
West African possessions. Incorporated as a municipality in 1893, it
became Sierra Leone's capital in 1961. It is the nation's commercial,
educational, and transportation centre.
Freetown Recycles Stickers now available for pick-up at your local
store (Supermarkets excluded).
Freetown is the capital city of Sierra Leone and is the heart of the
Western region. It is on a peninsula on the south bank of the estuary
of the Sierra Leone River.
Freetown is a town in Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States.
The population was 8,472 at the 2000 census.
Freetown is one of the oldest communities in the United States, having
been settled by the Pilgrims and their descendants in the latter half
of the 17th century.
Aerial view of FreetownAerial view of Freetown
Coordinates: 8°30′N 13°7′W
Sierra Leone
Western Area
Western Area Urban District
Freetown from Leicester Peak, part of our city tour
Freetown from Leicester Peak, part of our city tour
Freetown from Leicester Peak, part of our city tour
Sierra Leonean Kids
Sierra Leonean Kids Sierra Leonean Kids
Banana Island architecture
Banana Island
Freetown, population 1,070,200 is the capital and largest city of
Sierra Leone, and a major port on the Atlantic Ocean.
Freetown information from state agencies:
* Community Profile (DHCD) (Word document)
* Helpful Telephone Numbers
* Local Area Unemployment Statistics/Employment and Wages
* Local Cultural Council
* Massachusetts Department of Education
Freetown is the capital of Sierra Leone in West Africa and just over
one million residents live there. Freetown was founded in the 1780's
as a home for freed slaves from North America and the Caribbean.
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Freetown is the capital of Sierra Leone
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woensdag, 9 juni 2010, 17:32:58
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Freetown in Pictures
Local pictures of the Freetown community. Search for photos of your
Freetown IN
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