Facts about Accra
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Accra is located in Ghana
Coordinates: 5°33′00″N 0°12′00″W / 5.55°N 0.2°W / 5.55; -0.2Coordinates:
5°33′00″N 0°12′00″W / 5.55°N 0.2°W / 5.55; -0.
iGuide•Africa•West Africa•Ghana•Ghanaian Coastal Plain•Accra Accra is
the capital city of Ghana. Accra has a population of 1,661,400. The
local language is Ga but Twi, Ewe Hausa, and English are also widely
spoken. Accra has rich western looking buildings and dusty shanty
Travel Guides > Africa > Ghana > Accra Over 19 million Yahoo! users
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Accra, Ghana Guides, Vacations, Tourism
* Overview
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* Things to Do
Accra is the capital city of Ghana.
Accra has a population of 1,661,400 (in 2001). The local language is
Ga but Twi (pron. 'ch-wee'), Ewe (pron. ayvay) Hausa, and English are
also widely spoken.
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and in 1877 Accra became the capital of the British Gold Coast colony.
The city became Ghana's administrative, economic, and educational
centre after the country gained its independence in 1957. Tema, 17 mi
(27 km) east, has taken over Accra's former port functions.
For more information on Accra, visit Britannica.com.
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multiple cities? Need reliable cost of living comparisons?
The ACCRA Cost of Living Index is
Accra has been the capital of Ghana since 1877, and has numerous
public buildings that reflect its transformation from being just a
suburb of Victoriasborg in the nineteenth century to its current
status as a bustling metropolis.
Area: Accra Location & Map
Close to the airport, this hotel is also near Labadi Beach. Another
area point of interest is Osu Castle. More...
George Q said, "One Night Stay"
"I was booked for three nights, but due to a labor strik...
Accra Sports teams are Hearts of Oak
Local Schools are Islamic University College of Ghana, University of
About Accra, Ghana
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This business friendly Accra hotel is conveniently close to
the airport, near Kwame Nkrumah Memorial and National Theatre
of Ghana. Features. Novotel ...
Accra Metropolis District
- Chief Executive
Stanley N. A. Blankson
- City
185 km² (71.4 sq mi)
- Metro
200 km² (77.
First International Women's Fair scheduled for Accra on May 28
(photo: WN / Eteh)Accra Ghana Issues Photos Women First International
Women's Fair scheduled for Accra on May 28 The first ever
International Women's Fair would be held in Accra from May 28-30, this
year, to deliberate on issues that would help women to make strides
Accra is the capital of Ghana
Current Time
woensdag, 9 juni 2010, 17:23:57
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Sprawled along the Atlantic Coast in southeast Ghana, Accra is the
country's largest city and capital. Over 2 million people live in the
city, which is now considered one of Africa's most developed cities.
Accra is known for an invigorating nightlife - one of Africa's
liveliest - and a range of important national monuments.
DTD 51 Beach Dr, Nungua, Greater Accra Region Accra, Ghana
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